When so much of the news is bad, and some of it is very bad indeed, it’s still possible to appreciate good stuff that’s happening.
I’ve just heard that my niece who works for the NHS in Newcastle has got the virus, but she says she’s improving, and benefitting from the practical help from colleagues. I’m sure everyone has similar stories of friends and strangers going out of their way to assist people who are stuck indoors.
And it’s not all bad for people with breathing problems, asthma etc . Less traffic on the roads means less pollution and better air quality. We can all benefit from that.
Have you got a story to share with people who use the website of the Ward End Gardeners Association? Something to keep our spirits up in the weeks – or months ahead?
It could be an act of kindness on the site or between allotment holders and others.
It could be about volunteering your gardening skills, experience and putting it to good use – or someone else’s. Or growing some fresh food you can donate.
Or the fact that you’re spending time with loved ones at home when normally you’re too busy working or being out and about – or providing creative things for your children to do
Or maybe doing jobs in the house or garden that you’ve been putting off for months (or even years?) for lack of time
We’re the lucky ones who have allotments, as we are still permitted to go there for exercise. Check out the Gardeners World website for information.
As long as we observe the guidance on social distancing, washing hands etc, we don’t have to give up our favourite pastime. This is especially important for people living in flats who don’t have a garden where they can spend time outside safely.
So have a thought for people living in flats who have to socially isolate – a double whammy as they can’t escape outside of their 4 walls safely. But maybe we could encourage flat dwellers to cultivate their balconies to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables? Anyone any good at container growing with some tips to offer?? Or who could provide a grow-your-own-on-a-balcony kit?
Or if you’re good with IT, how about some videos on growing things indoors which could be useful to people who are stuck at home and want to learn more about gardening?
Or perhaps just do your own learning – there’s bags of information out there on growing plants eg the RHS website, or learn more about IT (especially us older people who aren’t very IT-savvy) so when the crisis is over, we’re better equipped to cope with the world as it is.
So tell your stories and send your pictures. Use Contact Us and I’ll put them on the website. Members can use the Members Only Section and Forums.